Thursday, December 4, 2014

A thief in my house...

   I'm going to try to be as honest as I can in this post without giving myself away. I'm about to let you take a deeper look into my home life. This post is the reason I started this I could speak freely about those "closest" to me. By closest I don't mean people I love and care about. I'm talking about the people my family lets into our house, the people who could give two shits about respecting anyone or anything. These are the people responsible for making everyone uncomfortable 
   In late June or early July (of this year) my grandmother was on the phone a lot. She'd be yelling and crying. After about the hundredth phone call I decided to ask what was going on. She told me we'd be taking in a cousin's girlfriend and 3 kids who successfully came from Honduras. Already at this point I'm like I'm not sharing my room, I REFUSE. She told me we'd figure out the room thing which we did. So a few days go by and I get home from work and I see these cute but insanely dirty, smelly kids. I feel so bad for them and their mom. So I give the mom a lot of my own clothes, buy her clothes, and stuff for the kids. After that I just let them get settled about a week or two into them being there the mother started cleaning my room. I told her she did have to but she did anyway. She told me it was to say thanks. She cleaned my room every other day. for a while I didn't really notice anything different or missing from my room. So I just let her.
    After a while I did start noticing stuff going missing. She'd have them and I realized she wasn't cleaning my room to say thank you. She was scoping out my room to see what small things she could take. I'll say it took about a month and a half to see what all had went missing. In that month's time I came to trust her, lend her money, and consider her a friend. We did everything together
   I decided that I'd let it go. As long as I got the money I lent her back we'd be fine (still waiting on that jsyk). She's done some more sneaky shit to other people in my family but that's not my business to blog about. 
   At this point I don't trust her. I don't think I'll ever be able to. She still lives in my house for free. She still owes me and my family over $200. She isn't a good person and I can't wait until everyone realizes how she really is. Karma is a real thing and eventually she'll get her's. 

Until next time,
Jayne Doe

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