Sunday, December 14, 2014

Advice...To share or not to share?

   It seems like people only listen to stupid ideas and just let good advice go through one ear and out of the other. This advice could be coming from anyone...a mother, a friend, a boss, even a 4 year old. How do you know when it's time to take advice and stop doing your own thing? How do you know when your way is just a waste of time?
   I'm one of those good advice least I think I am. No one ever listens to me even when I know I'm right. I could say the sky is blue and somehow my statement would be considered wrong or just completely ignored. Now what do I do when that happens? Do I stop letting people know what I have to say or, continue repeating myself for people who either don't care enough to listen or are too stupid to listen to common sense and reason?
   My thoughts have gone unheard/disregarded all my life. Seriously not once in my 20 years of life have I given someone my good advice and they actually listen. For example freshman year me and one of my best friends, let's call her Rosie have a sleepover. That same night my brother comes to visit. Rosie and my brother are getting too close in my opinion. So I tell Rosie "don't do it...he's a bit of a player." she does it anyway. Eight months later another friend...we'll call her Nana meets my brother, once again my brother charmed his way to her heart. He broke up with Rosie started dating Nana and fast forward to now where he and Nana have a kid but aren't together. I warned both of them...nobody listened.
   I also have prime examples of when my stupid ideas get the most attention. Like when I was 15 and thought it would be a good idea to meet two guys at a hotel with Rosie, we went, got stuck in the rain until 2 am, had to call our moms and get yelled at the whole ride back home. What the hell was going through our tiny little minds. Looking back at it now I know it was a terrible idea because not only did our parents not know who we were with (here's the kicker) I MET THE GUYS ONLINE!!!! 
   Sometimes its not just advice it's anything you say, do, or ask. The only difference is when you ask a question you might hear a really sarcastic or condescending tone in the person's voice. I just asked a friend for advice about people not listening and she said "Stop trying to help. When someone realizes you were right you'll feel better". That has got to be the best advice I've ever heard. Not only was I listening but I am going to take it and run.

Until next time,
Jayne Doe

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