Thursday, November 27, 2014

Cliche and Generic Thanksgiving Post

   Happy thanksgiving all! Today is the day mostly everyone uses to go off their crazy fad diets.Who can blame them? How often do you have pies on pies on pies? I mean unless you're a baker or something.
   Aside from all the food today is the day people actually open up to their loved ones and tell them they are loved. Today is a day you take the time to appreciate the little things and just spend time reflecting on how good you have it.
   About a year ago I was in high school. I had a great job, great friends, and a great boyfriend, Then in what seemed like an instant I lost it all. I signed myself out of school to work more hours, I lost friends, then I lost my job in September. I felt like a failure. I felt like I was losing control of my life
   I did what I never did before. I talked to my family and boyfriend. I let them know how I felt and I asked for help. With the help from them and a nice forceful shove I am now closer to getting my GED. I have a new job and my relationship with my family is stronger than it has be before. 
   I am thankful for my family and my incredible boyfriend. Without them I would have been in a very dark place. Because of them I don't feel like a complete screw up. I feel like I really can do anything I set my mind to. 
   I am also thankful for the things I've gone through in the past few months. Those events helped me see who I could really trust. I am a smarter person. I don't ignore my gut instincts like I used to.
   All in all I am thankful for being a smarter, stronger person. A year ago I didn't have any type of plan. I just went with the wind. Although I may not have the most detailed outline of my life I do have some short term goals. I am thankful for the growth I've noticed in myself in just 5 short months.

So what are you thankful for?
Jayne Doe

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Back for Thanksgiving!

   So due to some computer issues and lifestyle changes I have neglected this blog. My computer is up and running, I think I learned how to manage my new schedule so A Girl Undercover will be active. 
   Just as an update I got a new job and I finish my classes the first week of December and hopefully I'll be a college student by January. There will be more to come on on the Thanksgiving day.
   The future of this blog will be run on a schedule. Not a strict one. I plan on blogging once a week day so M-F and every other weekend a surprise post will be up. The surprise posts will have no real structure. They're just going to be around for a little bit of fun since I intend for this blog to be more serious. So that's all for this post.

Come back Thanksgiving
Jayne Doe

Sunday, November 2, 2014

It came to me in a dream...

    Losing someone you love is never easy. The grieving can take what seems like forever. You cold be pushing it aside and when you  least expect it, it will finally sink in. With that being said losing the person who basically made you the person you are today can be a torturous experience.
    A little over a year ago my life changed. In one sentence I felt like I lost every reason for living. I didn't attempt suicide (before anyone makes assumptions) but for about a week I just existed. I didn't really express anything. I lost my grandfather, the man who practically raised me and all I could do was cry because people expected me to
   Months pass and I finally realize he's gone, but I still didn't cry. I just assumed I was always okay with it until recently. When you finally express what you've been feeling for about a year you feel a weight lifted off you shoulders. You feel a lot of things actually but, mostly relieved you won't always feel sad, mad, or abandoned.
   A few months ago I was sitting in my room watching MTVhits. Then i started hearing a lot of loud noised from outside my window. I look outside my window and see its just the yard workers so I go back to my music videos. After about 10 minutes I get curious so I peek out my window again. I noticed they left my grandfather's rose bush up and just resume in my karaoke time. Then I hear a constant banging. So I look out again and his bush is going down. My face got hotter than hell and I started hyperventilating. I ran down to my mom's room and I told her "Mami his rose bush is gone. They chopped it down." she was on the phone but, she got off and talked to the gardeners. The bush was gone and it felt like losing my grandfather again but worse somehow. I later found out they were going to replant it.
   After the rose bush fiasco I had a dream where my grandfather came to me.  It was more like a nightmare. I don't remember all the details but my grandfather said "You're going nowhere" then I woke up. I felt like my grandfather hated me but, I knew he didn't so I moved on with it. Fast forward to today when I'm dreaming about some dance class (which is weird cause I don't dance), I walk into a break room and I see all my family with my grandfather who looks into my eyes and smiles. I say "Grandpa!" and with that I wake up. I knew that smile. He was proud of me and how much I changed since the last time he visited me. I changed a lot from that nightmare. I wasn't in school, I was mean to everyone for no reason, and I really was going nowhere. Now I'm on the right track and I know I am cause my old man pretty much told me. 
   My message for him is "Grandpa, I love you. Thank you for molding me in to the young woman I am today. All I ever wanted in life was to make you proud and now I feel like I finally have. I will continue to make you proud of me. Because of you I know I belong"
                           Don't forget your Dreams,
                                Jayne Doe