Aside from all the food today is the day people actually open up to their loved ones and tell them they are loved. Today is a day you take the time to appreciate the little things and just spend time reflecting on how good you have it.
About a year ago I was in high school. I had a great job, great friends, and a great boyfriend, Then in what seemed like an instant I lost it all. I signed myself out of school to work more hours, I lost friends, then I lost my job in September. I felt like a failure. I felt like I was losing control of my life.
I did what I never did before. I talked to my family and boyfriend. I let them know how I felt and I asked for help. With the help from them and a nice forceful shove I am now closer to getting my GED. I have a new job and my relationship with my family is stronger than it has be before.
I am thankful for my family and my incredible boyfriend. Without them I would have been in a very dark place. Because of them I don't feel like a complete screw up. I feel like I really can do anything I set my mind to.
I am also thankful for the things I've gone through in the past few months. Those events helped me see who I could really trust. I am a smarter person. I don't ignore my gut instincts like I used to.
All in all I am thankful for being a smarter, stronger person. A year ago I didn't have any type of plan. I just went with the wind. Although I may not have the most detailed outline of my life I do have some short term goals. I am thankful for the growth I've noticed in myself in just 5 short months.
So what are you thankful for?
Jayne Doe