Monday, October 13, 2014

Story Time

   Getting stopped is scary. Since I am undercover this will be up later than it actually happened...but I wasn't driving. I was with a friend who was driving. 
   Unfortunately it was raining and my friend is practically blind...throw in the fact it was midnight and you've got a recipe for disaster. We had just dropped someone off to work (in my mom's car) and were literally 5 minutes from my house Then we came down a main road and since my friend couldn't see he was far off in the wrong lane. He passed a police officer and as soon as it happened he said "I'm going to get stopped" right as he said that the lights flashed
   We pulled over and got asked for license and registration...obviously. My friend got his license. Then reached in the glove compartment for the registration. Its not there. We continue to look for what seems like an hour (it probably wasn't but we looked for a while.) We're damn near shitting our pants because we cannot find this paper. Both of our phones were off so we can't call my mom and ask where it is. So at this point I'm worried about my friend being taken in to the station, my mom's car being impounded ('cause guess who can't!), and how crazy I must look since I went out in pajamas. We kept looking in a panic and never found it.
   Just as we had given up the police officer comes up and says "Young man I'm going to cut you a break" I'm thinking "there is a god who is watching my ass". My friend does get a ticket for improper  passing, the cop gets in his car and leaves. My friend and I sit there for a few minutes in relief and I hug him because that could have ended badly. He sticks the key back in the ignition and we stuck to the back roads for the rest of that 5 minute ride.
   I felt it was important to post this because of the recent police "scandals" for lack of a better word. I was terrified be cause I know my friend has a bit of a temper...he could have said something in the wrong tone and that officer could have been one of those bad guys. I must add that we are both at least half black and even though that shouldn't matter recent events show us it still kind of does. So I guess the morals of the story are....never drive without registration, be extra careful in the rain, don't leave the house in pajamas, there are a few good cops out there and, its not always a black vs. white thing.
                                                                                Until next time,
                                                                                    Jayne Doe

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